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  • Writer's pictureBirsty Krewerton

Two Politipo’s

Look up

Red sky in the evening,

“Herd Immunity means your freedom”

Red sky at dawn

“we’ve weathered the storm”

Red sky at night

“We’ve done everything right”

Red sky at sunrise

“We promise tests and supplies”


Burning like skies

and contempt in my eyes.

Yet again,

made no sense,

mixed messages,

incomplete sentences,

no clear direction.

What was his intention?

Just to further confuse a nation?

Force employees back to an unsafe workplace?

There’s not even enough PPE for those in healthcare,

where’s he expect private companies to source theirs?

I’m not sure he really cares,

unless it’s a company in which he has shares.

The sky at night

shades the view

obscures our sight

whilst men like Boris

dodge the light.

I’m alright


that’s his tack.

But we burn brighter than that,

these flames have been fanned

by his inadequate command,

and the deaths at his hand.

His stuttering

wasn’t the smoke screen

he hoped it would be.

The skies are clear

alight with indignation,

at the lack of a panacea.

There is unity in our disbelief

we’re all confused by his speech

and seem to finally appreciate

the major failings

of the Tory Party.

Hip hip fucking hooray.


The answer to all our prayers

you don’t need masks,

gloves or aprons

you don’t need testing

don’t need relevant information.

You don’t need access to GPs,

for this or any other disease

we don’t care you’re on your knees

the NHS needs to cut services

so can you pick up the slack please?

Oh and whilst your at it,

we will be discharging residents

without being confirmed as negative.

So if you can keep them isolated

that would be appreciated.

You don’t need to count your deaths in statistics

if we fiddle the numbers it’s better for business.

You don’t need respect for your “unskilled” vocation

nor recognition

or remuneration

not a sniff of monetary compensation

for the decimation

of social care as an organisation.

You don’t need investment

or basic living wages

you don’t need changes

to privatisation.

You didn’t need help with better preparation

or to be included in our conversation.

We have the solution.

We have solved the equation.

The cure to the ails of an ageing population.

The overwhelming power held in his hands,

the glint of green on his lapels.

Grinning like a Cheshire Cat

brimming with pride

at his mislaid plan.

The dream he has to sell;

a branding

and a badge.

Cheers Matt.

Problems solved,

just like that.

What a T…

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