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  • Writer's pictureBirsty Krewerton

The Path of Least Resistance

A pandemic of racism,

and we’re absolutely riddled,


So ingrained in society

some can’t even see

the hypocrisy

we’ve helped to maintain

and perpetuate

for centuries.


“But what about ME”

ALL lives matter.

What does that solve?

Would that have stopped George’s AO,

from creating his very own snuff video?


So self involved

around you the

the world revolves

squint enough

you feel absolved.

The incapacity

to put yourself

in someone else’s clothes.


for some people

is only skin deep.

It helps to also possess a selective memory.

“You coming to the March on Sunday?”

I answered yes.

“It’s important.”

Dad said.

“This is a long time coming”

Has anyone ever been racist to you?

He asked

“Not directly I don’t think Dad”

“It’s a horrible feeling Bab,

let me tell you a story now”

So he began

“At 17

I was dealing

with the death of my Dad.

I joined the Navy,

followed his path,


for the experience I had.”

“I was in an Electrical engineering class,

and I was the only mixed race lad -

well back then they called me ‘Half Caste’.

I felt like the odd one out,

but determined

to honour my Dad.”

He carried on the tale

of the Naval officer with half a brain

who’s only way to explain

the colour coding

of resistor cables

was to slip in

blatant racism.

This is what he said, and I apologise in advance:

“Black boys rape our young girls but virgins go without.”


How the fuck do you respond to that?

But what’s really sad,

is for my Dad,

and for millions of others aswell -

this is only one of so many examples.

Why are humans such animals?

This chat got me really thinking

and brought up something

he used to tell me.

Power chooses the path of least resistance.

Let that really sink in.

Is that who I’ve been?

Because I’m mixed with white skin,

I haven’t had the same barriers thrown in my direction,

and I also haven’t done much to break them.

I’ve had this coat of protection

from my Mother’s complexion.

Is awareness enough?

Ranting on Facebook

doesn’t change all that much.

The message that’s coming across -

“It’s time to stand up”

I’ve heard many people saying

“There‘s more important things”

“Protesters aren’t maintaining

social distancing

and the message

is ruined by looting”.

Now I’m not generally a believer

in two wrongs make a right.

Not all are debts paid

with an eye for an eye.

All I can say is

It’s time.


we tried

to rectify

the injustices

that still divide.

Without standing side by side,

it’s futile.

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