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  • Writer's pictureBirsty Krewerton



How do they justify this when

nurses are queuing at food banks

and struggling to pay rent?

All whilst the government

and their mates

steal off our plates.

Another cap on wages

to pay for their mistakes

spiralling debt

all invested in billionaires.

Who invests in us,

the carers?

The ones brave enough

to ride these waves

on broken boards,

our wetsuits old and torn

circled by a shark named ‘rona.

There’s not much hope is there,

especially when the lifeboats

are manned by people

who just don’t care.

Not an air of humility

or respect evenfor sacrifices

we continue to make.

The latest,

a sneaky change

to nursing ratios

on the most poorly patients.

So intubated people

only need half a nurse now

which is reassuring to know.

Especially when we’re aware

caring for critically ill COVID patients

takes a massive toll



and physically aswell.

Sending staff into hell

with half the help

won’t bode well.

And what do you think

a 1% pay cap

has done for morale?

Absolutely disgraceful,

they should be ashamed of themselves.

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