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  • Writer's pictureBirsty Krewerton

24th April 2020

Lockdown living,

full of misgivings

but this prison

is actually

a prism.

The light of life is still there,

it’s just refracted,

bent and deviated

like the plans we’d created.

Although dispersed,

and coerced

into isolation

and separation,

it could be worse.

Although unprecedented,

time has stood still,

not ended.

This is our chance to stop the clock

and work out what we really want.

What makes you tick?

Which bone to pick?

You’ve been prescribed

the time

to scratch that itch.

So do it.

I know the power of creativity

in leading you out of negativity.

This new reality

has its affects emotionally,

but there’s ways of coping.

For me,

it’s writing,

or poetry,

which allow my heart and head to breath.

It teases out the unease

and untangles the web of anxiety

which has a tendency

to weave

itself into a tapestry.

I implore

you to explore

this side of yourself more

it could unlock the door

to a fulfilment you’ve never felt before.

It inspired me to help create

The Sitting Rooms of Culture.

Now I’m not ignorant

to the fact

that all the problems we have

will unlikely be solved

just by sharing art on social media.


it has the potential to become so much more than that.

It has quickly grown

into a local cultural home

a creative zone

for sharing skills and homegrown

talent in celebration.

The most beautiful distraction

from the deadly inaction

of those ruling our nation.

Which has left me,

along with my colleagues,

with inadequate protection.

It’s helped to drown out the white noise

of Bozza and his boys,

and despite them spouting

the same robotic rhetoric

it’s seems the only thing ramping

is their own investing.

And the only thing they‘re testing

is our patience

rather than our patients.


So despite the risks

which have escalated because of politics,


and his obsession with Brexit.

We carry on regardless.

As a Nurse

I’ve seen the worst,

I haven’t done ITU

but I’ve experienced enough end of life care to see me through.

It’s a strange time to have returned

especially after being so burnt

but it was a learning curve

and these lessons learned

give me the nerve

to serve.

It’s duty,

rather than bravery.

A role that was made for me,

it comes instinctively

to care and seek

to treat

whatever ails may keep

people from peace.

So that’s me,


Co creator


Sitting Rooms of Culture.

And new found campaigner

of creativity

for a positive mentality.

Lockdown living –

the age of humanity.

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